​Property Wellness Geomancy is a transformative healing process to bring your property, home, or business into a balanced energetic alignment.
The primary aim of this work is to clear the geo stresses of the land, any negative history that is present in your property, and to create a harmonious configuration for interior and exterior spaces.
Once the static energies in the interior and exterior environment are cleared, your property will become animated.
Let's meet, and creatively align your vision with your property to bring forth your new story!

(2hrs/ $300)
​In order to decide whether the geomancy process is right for you, we offer an on site consultation to give you a new perspective on rebalancing the wellness energetics of your property.
Together, we will walk your property, your home or business, to assess weak areas. At this point, I will intuit what is needed to remediate the energy imbalances present on your land, or in the living spaces.
Every property has a story to tell!
In this session, you will share a brief history of your property and any history that may need to be cleared in oder to create a new wellness story to support your vision.
Depending of the size and needs of your property, I will give you an estimate of the amount of time required to complete the process.
Let's meet, to creatively align your vision with your property and bring forth your new story!

(4hrs/ $750)
Once you decide to proceed with Geomancy, you may or may not take this journey with me. We designate a day that works best, to bring me in to facilitate the geomantic journey for your land.
This work facilitates a shamanic journeying process that combines intuitive readings, various healing methodologies, sacred geometry, and story telling.
The aim is to clear static geo-patterns, generate chi flow, and align your vision with earth energies, and the property spaces.
​Every land has a story to tell!
I use an integrative geomantic system that allows me to journey with the stories of the land, the animals, the plants and the trees, and clear those stories that may have affected the flow of the chi/life energy of the land.
I create a safe therapeutic container which allows me to listen more deeply as to what images or stories the land wants to bring during the healing process.
Each property is treated as sacred space, and recognized as a land that hosts a wholistic ecosystem.

(4hrs/ $750)
This is a journeying process that uses the science and arts of Feng Shui to illuminate the poetics of the interior and exterior design spaces of your property.
Feng shui has its roots to ancient Taoism that holds the Naturalistic belief that chi is the life force that inhabits everything. Chi is made of yin and yang elements.
Feng Shui is a method of balancing the yin and yang, and as a result, it brings forth a third. In Taoist alchemy, the third is the shaping of a new ambience after things have been rearranged and rebalanced.
This work aims to improve the flow of chi in your property.
By rearranging furniture, decorations, buildings, and landscapes, we will bring forth positive chi energy for your property.
Feng Shui supports good health, improves interpersonal relationships, and brings creativity, beauty, and harmony into your environment.
​It is a joy to walk with you and create a new space in alignment with your unique vision!
​Services are offered individually or as a package.
A package-service fee will be determined depending on the size and needs of your project.
Geomancy Sessions are booked throughout USA and Europe.
A photo-album is produced for each journey process to keep you connected with the animated light energy that comes through this process. ​
You can also purchase printed copies of our photography to compliment your property's interior design.
For more information please contact us at -
Tel: 805-698-9554
EMAIL: AtheaDeluz@gmail.com

The term Geomancy evolved from the ancient Hellinistic (Greek) language.
Geo-mancy is derived from the words:
Geo is a derivative of Gaia -the Earth, and Mancy comes from Manteia - the use of divination and intuitive medicineto identify and treat what is not visible.
It translates to studying the earth
and environmental energies with divination and healing methodologies. Geomancy is a metaphysical science.
Although, we still use the Hellinistic term, the science and healing art of Geomancy has been practiced by many indigenous ancient systems.
Each culture employed it as a therapeutic art for holistic living in order to optimize the wellness of a property.
Traditionally, Geomancy has been associated with sacred craft that, such as:
Dowsing for underground water,
the practice of Feng Shui for living spaces,
Geo-accupuncture therapy for land healing,
and the highly complex application of Sacred Geometry that identifies and treats the environmental patterns in order to bring them into a harmonious alignment.